Webinar Tips


Nobody Paying Attention on Conference Calls? No Big Whoop

Do you sometimes feel like no one is paying attention on your conference calls? Are you actually reading this during a conference call, which only goes to prove my point? Here area couple of things you need to know: 1) there’s plenty of evidence you’re not alone, and 2) there are plenty of things to do about it, and the most important is not to freak out.


Virtual Meetings- It's Not Either/Or

hich one of these statements would you agree with? 1. Virtual meetings will be the death of human communication. Or 2. People who don’t embrace their virtual overlords are technophobic and doomed to go the way of the stegosaurus.

One of the frustrating parts of working with our clients around the world is when smart people make poor decisions through false thinking. The most common example is the begrudging (and thus slow and wasteful) adoption of webinars and virtual meetings because of assumptions like the above.


Remote Leadership Certification Second Session Added!

If you want to learn the skills needed to lead remote teams and be able to demonstrate your competence to you boss, here's your chance. Our first Remote Leadership Certificate Series sold out, but new classes start July 22nd. Join us and our partners at Remarkable Leadership to learn the skills you need to thrive in today's virtual environment.

In one series of webinar workshops you'll learn:


5 Ways to Engage Remote Workers

Zane Safrit is a smart guy, and he is far more obsessed about employee engagement and recognition than I am....which is a good thing. He offers 52 ways managers can reach out and help their people really connect. Here are five of them, as quoted in Management-Issues this week:


Meet Like You Mean It coming May 1


  At last! The cover for our new book, "Meet Like You Mean It- a Leader's Guide to Painless and Productive Virtual Meetings is out. Look for the book May 1


Why Better Webmeetings Matter

Someone asked me recently why I spend my time talking about working remotely, and why so much of that is spent in the idea of meetings and working through technology like webinars and webmeetings. The answer is, because it matters to everyone I know, whether they've thought about it or not.


5 Ways to Turn SMEs into Webinar Gurus

This is an excerpt from today's post on Management-Issues.com. It's also the topic of our presenation at ASTD International Conference and Expo in May. Look for a white paper coming soon:

Many companies today are doing more internal training (or at least informing) of their people with in-house Subject Matter Experts – otherwise (and rather confusingly) known as "SMEs" and sometimes pronounced SMEE, like Captain Hook's right-hand man. This is a good thing, but it is often not as successful as we would like.


Managing Time in Webmeetings

One of the main concerns when running a webinar or virtual meeting is managing the time effectively. In fact, we often become so focused on "getting everything in" to the allotted time slot that we forget to focus on what we're actually supposed to accomplish. This creates a vicious cycle of poorly led meetings, leading to more people showing up late or leaving early, which leads to… well you get it.


Chat as a Vital Tool for Webinars and Webmeetings

It goes without saying that one of the most important functions of a meeting is talking to each other. We give input. We make silly jokes. We introduce ourselves and get to know one another. Yet when we meet online, there is often a tendency to limit this essential interaction.


What Einstein Knew About Webinars

Albert Einstein once famously explained one of his most complicated theories thus: "Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT'S relativity." What this has to do with presenting virtually is that both are about the passage of time.

I spend a lot of my time teaching people that presenting online and conducting webinars is not rocket science. And Einstein would have understood them well because he knew that time is relative.


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